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Friday, 23 October 2020

Jordy's bracelet


Starts at 1.30

Question (wonderings)

        Clarify (meanings/answer)

Break  1

1.30 to 1.47

What counts as an exception? 

What kind of exception are they talking about?

No exception at the beginning.

Break 2

1.47 to 1.50

Who’s jordy?

Do I need to care about jordy?

What kind of bracelet?

She was the girl who lost  her dad.

So we know her story,it could be anyone of us.

Break 3

1.50 to 2.04

What is the school uniform policy?

Why has it offended Jordy?

Why no Bracelets?

No jewellery.

Emotional reasons, it was given by her dad.

Parents survey-did not want school rules to change.

Break 4

2.04 to 2.19

Why is she getting so angry?

What  is so special about the bracelet?

Because it hurt  her heart.

Controlled Release now it’s time for you to ask the questions as I stop.  

Who’s got questions?  How many can we answer from above now?

Break 5

2.19 to 2.35

How did dad die?

Why is it the most important?

Why did dad give it to her in the first place?

We don’t know how her dad died.

It is related to the Jordy Religious christening bracelet.

Break 6

2.35 to 2.58

What is a christening bracelet?

What is Christening?

If the bracelet is so small Why upset it had to be cut off?



2.58 to 3.19

Why are they not letting her be comfortable  for her?


Break 8

3.19 to 3.46

What is a traditional school?

Why did she sob so much?


Stop motion - Arti

                       My media Reflection

Describe how to create a stop motion animation? First choose a story that you want to do, then think about a better song, then make a story according to your song, then choose a place , direction and your characters, lightning and your background.

What did you enjoy\dislike about the process? I like everything in media, I enjoyed a lot, I work with my friends, we did a good group work, we had lots of fun in media.
I disliked that is its was so hard work to do, I tried my best, it was my first time to do something like that its was hard and confusing.

What challenges did you face and how did you overcome these? some challenges that I faced was to put music in our stop motion. lighting, camera movement .we couldn't keep the camera in one position.

What would you change if you were to do it again? I would change the lightning, the camera position and the song

What other insights did you have while participating in Media Studies this rotation? I thought it was really hard but when I try to do. its was not that hard. I tired my best to make it better.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020




Scene One:  

At home

An exemplar

I can see the meerkat are sleeping, they wake up and come out of their houses. 

Scene Two

 First activity of the day

They all meet together, they all climb the tree and see a fruit. They all are looking to the fruit.

`Scene Three:  

A feared enemy

Suddenly a vulture came and disturbed meerkat, they all hide in their houses.

Scene Four:

Enemies revenge

The Vulture takes the fruit from the tree and flies away.

Scene Five:

The Rescue

the meerkats trying  to get the fruit back.they all are following the Vulture.

Scene Six:

Sport nirvana

They all are fighting and try to get that fruit. And the vulture crashed.and all  meerkats get their fruit back.

Scene Seven:

The End

They all are playing with the fruit and enjoying themselves. And at the end the meerkats kick the fruit.

Firstly the Vulture takes the fruit from the tree, Secondly the meerkat’s and vulture they are fighting and trying to get that fruit,lastly The meerkat's get the fruit back and they all play with the fruit.

tabula rosa

                                            Tabula Rasa

                      Tabula Rasa


I can see a robot walking around the desert, he was so tired he didn't have that much power to walk,when he was walking  he saw a plant, he picked the plant.the plant didn’t get the sunlight.


The robot struggled to climb a mountain up. He tried hard to go up to the mountain and give the sunlight to the plant.


He finally reached the mountain and he dropped the plant onto  the ground and suddenly he died. and after so long the plant grows and becomes a tree.

Firstly there was an exhausted robot who was walking in the desert. Secondly he saw a plant which was fragile and picked it up. Next the robot tried to climb a mountain to give the plant sunlight. Lastly the robot reached the top of the mountain but died of exhaustion and dropped the plant. After some time the plant became a tree.  

Thursday, 13 August 2020

my diwali myths

                            DIWALI   Myths & Legends 



According to Hindu mythology, Prince Rama was the son of the King of Ayodhya and heir to the throne. Rama's stepmother was jealous of Rama and wanted him to leave the kingdom so that her son could become heir instead. Under the influence of his wife, the King was forced to send Rama to live in exile in the forest for 14 years. Rama's wife, Sita and his brother, Lakshman, accompanied him. In the forest, there lived several demons, Ravana being one of them.

Prince Rama fought the Rakshas and drove them away, making Ravana very furious. He captured Rama's wife Sita, but she cleverly left a trail of jewels so that Rama could follow her to the island of Lanka. With the help of his brother and Hanuman, Rama set off to save her. Hanuman and the army of monkeys helped to build a huge bridge across to the island. Rama crossed the bridge and shot an arrow into Ravana. The demon was killed and the Sita was rescued from danger.
Rama, Sita and Lakshman returned to the kingdom after 14 years of living in the forest and Rama became king. The people of Ayodhya cleaned their houses and placed oil lamps (diyas) to light their path. This is what makes these traditions important to Diwali celebrations today.
Narkasur was another demon who ruled the kingdom of Pradyoshapuram. Amongst other wicked deeds, he kidnapped beautiful women and forced them to live with him. To prove his power, Narkasur stole some earrings belonging to Aditi, mother of all Gods. The gods were not happy and asked Lord Krishna for help. A curse had been put on NarkasNarkasur's mother declared that her son's death should not be a day of gloom and so Hindus celebrate this event as it shows the power of good over evil. It is said that after the battle with the demon, Lord Krishna bathed in oil to clean the splattered blood from his body. In some regions rubbing oil into the body or having a special oil bath is part of the Diwali celebrations.
Diwali is in true sense the festival of unity in diversity. It brings people together in spite of religious, cultural, social or geographical barriers.ur, which said that one day he would be killed by his mother.
Lord Krishna knew that his wife, Satyabhama, was a reincarnation of Narkasur's mother, so he asked her to drive the chariot as he went to battle with the demon. Narkasur shot an arrow at Lord Krishna, who pretended to be hit. Satyabhama made use of this opportunity, grabbed Lord Krishna's bow and arrow and killed the demon instantly.

Diwali 2018: All you need to know about the festival of lights ...Like Christmas without trees: Fireworks banned for Diwali in Delhi ...


हिंदू पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार, राजकुमार राम अयोध्या के राजा के पुत्र और सिंहासन के उत्तराधिकारी थे। राम की सौतेली माँ राम से ईर्ष्या करती थी और वह चाहती थी कि वह राज्य छोड़ दे ताकि उसका पुत्र उसके बदले उत्तराधिकारी बन सके। अपनी पत्नी के प्रभाव में, राजा को 14 साल के लिए राम को वन में रहने के लिए भेजने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ा। राम की पत्नी, सीता और उनके भाई, लक्ष्मण, उनके साथ थे। जंगल में, कई राक्षस रहते थे, रावण उनमें से एक था।राजकुमार राम ने रक्षों का मुकाबला किया और उन्हें भगा दिया, जिससे रावण बहुत क्रोधित हुआ। उसने राम की पत्नी सीता को पकड़ लिया, लेकिन उसने चतुराई से रत्नों का एक निशान छोड़ दिया ताकि राम उसका पीछा करते हुए लंका के द्वीप पर जा सकें। अपने भाई और हनुमान की मदद से, राम ने उसे बचाने के लिए प्रस्थान किया। हनुमान और बंदरों की सेना ने द्वीप के पार एक विशाल पुल बनाने में मदद की। राम ने पुल पार किया और रावण पर तीर चलाया। राक्षस मारा गया और सीता को खतरे से बचाया गया।राम, सीता और लक्ष्मण जंगल में रहने के 14 साल बाद राज्य में लौट आए और राम राजा बन गए। अयोध्या के लोगों ने अपने घरों को साफ किया और अपने रास्ते को रोशन करने के लिए तेल के दीपक (दीये) रखे। यही वह बात है जो इन परंपराओं को आज दीवाली समारोह के लिए महत्वपूर्ण बनाती है।नरकासुर एक और दानव था जिसने प्रद्योपुरम राज्य पर शासन किया था। अन्य दुष्ट कामों के बीच, उन्होंने सुंदर महिलाओं का अपहरण किया और उन्हें उनके साथ रहने के लिए मजबूर किया। अपनी शक्ति को साबित करने के लिए, नरकासुर ने सभी देवताओं की मां अदिति से संबंधित कुछ बालियां चुरा लीं। देवता खुश नहीं हुए और भगवान कृष्ण से मदद मांगी। नरकासंकुरसुर की माँ ने एक शाप दिया था कि उनके बेटे की मृत्यु एक दिन नहीं होनी चाहिए और इसलिए हिंदू इस घटना को मनाते हैं क्योंकि यह बुराई पर अच्छाई की शक्ति को दर्शाता है। ऐसा कहा जाता है कि राक्षस से लड़ाई के बाद, भगवान कृष्ण ने अपने शरीर से बिखरे हुए रक्त को साफ करने के लिए तेल में स्नान किया। कुछ क्षेत्रों में तेल को शरीर में रगड़ना या विशेष तेल स्नान करना दिवाली समारोहों का हिस्सा है।दिवाली सही मायने में विविधता में एकता का त्योहार है। यह धार्मिक, सांस्कृतिक, सामाजिक या भौगोलिक बाधाओं के बावजूद लोगों को एक साथ लाता है। यह कहा जाता है कि एक दिन वह अपनी मां के हाथों मारा जाएगा।भगवान कृष्ण जानते थे कि उनकी पत्नी, सत्यभामा, नरकासुर की माँ का पुनर्जन्म थीं, इसलिए उन्होंने उसे राक्षस से युद्ध करने के लिए रथ को चलाने के लिए कहा। नरकासुर ने भगवान कृष्ण पर एक तीर चलाया, जो हिट होने का नाटक करता था। सत्यभामा ने इस अवसर का उपयोग किया, भगवान कृष्ण के धनुष और तीर को पकड़ा और राक्षस को तुरंत मार दिया।


Ramas stepmother was jealous of him and wanted her son to be King, so she had Rama banished to the forest with his wife Sita and his younger brother Laxman. Surpanahka sees Ram and falls in love she asks Ram to marry her. He says no. Then she goes to his brother and asks him also. He also says no. She goes to her brother Ravan and tells her whole story. He gets angry and wants revenge! He kidnaps Rams wife Sita by disguising himself as a golden deer. Ram and Laxman go to Lanka with the help of Hanuman. They fight with Ravan. Ram shoot's Ravan in their navel his only weak point. Ravan dies sits is free.They return to their Home 



Monday, 10 August 2020

My Bird Mascot, Fluffy the Dove


              DOVE Bird (columbidae)
                     (Fluffy the dove)
Wondrous White Doves | Mountain Valley Living

I choose this bird because some of the bird's personality traits are similar to mine. Doves are found in just about every place on the planet with the exception of places of extreme temperature such as the Sahara Desert and Antarctica. They are mostly likely to be found in forests and woodlands, out in the country and in the big city. This bird is said to have different qualities: it is believed to love peace, to be shy, friendly, patient, loyal, sensitive and to love team work. 

The dove is a great mascot for me because many of its character traits are similar to mine: I am  friendly, love team work, love peace, I am uncomplicated and loyal,  just like a dove. My bird is smart because you can train it, for example, you can teach it to carry messages from one place to  another. Doves have a good sense of direction and they can always find their way back home.


Friday, 31 July 2020

Pandora profil.

                                      Greek Myths & Legends

         The Greek Myth I am studying is called Prometheus.



Name- Prometheus Family - Prometheus is a titan that means he is  not a god but part of Greek Mythology. 

Personality traits strong,disobedient, stubborn, doesn't care about pain. 

What are they known best known for- for stealing the fire from the Mount Olympus 

 How are they represented in 2020- Disney movies.

moral- If you do something good (even though it is for Bidden) you may fire Problems , In the end everything will be alright. 


Humans live in caves. Zeus didn't like the humans because he thought they might try to  take over.He kept humans from having,fire,warmth, and light. 

                                   MIDDLE #1

Prometheus saw the humans and wanted to help. Prometheus stole a burning coal from the gods.Prometheus taught the humans , he also giving knowledge . Zeus looked down to see the skeletons and corpses of men but instead seen them flourishing . Zeus sends the first woman , Pandora to punish mankind for accepting gifted from Prometheus . Pandora brought with her a jar , she was  forbidden to open it but she  did! And out leapt the curses of envy sickness, spit and Despair she quickly closed the jar so that hope stayed inside.(Hope)


Zeus punish Prometheus by Dragging to him to Mount Curses  and chaining him  to a rock. Prometheus Punishment was that giant eagle injured him every morning and ripped his liver out. This was  his torture for thousand of years. Prometheus wandered if the humans were ever thinking of him end thankful for his gifts. Prometheus suffered for 30,000 years until the hero Hercules climbed Mount Caucasus Killed the eagle.


When people wear a ring they think of Prometheus now. and cut  Prometheus chain  with his sword, after Prometheus was rescued he had to wear a ring made of his chain.