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Friday, 31 July 2020

Pandora profil.

                                      Greek Myths & Legends

         The Greek Myth I am studying is called Prometheus.



Name- Prometheus Family - Prometheus is a titan that means he is  not a god but part of Greek Mythology. 

Personality traits strong,disobedient, stubborn, doesn't care about pain. 

What are they known best known for- for stealing the fire from the Mount Olympus 

 How are they represented in 2020- Disney movies.

moral- If you do something good (even though it is for Bidden) you may fire Problems , In the end everything will be alright. 


Humans live in caves. Zeus didn't like the humans because he thought they might try to  take over.He kept humans from having,fire,warmth, and light. 

                                   MIDDLE #1

Prometheus saw the humans and wanted to help. Prometheus stole a burning coal from the gods.Prometheus taught the humans , he also giving knowledge . Zeus looked down to see the skeletons and corpses of men but instead seen them flourishing . Zeus sends the first woman , Pandora to punish mankind for accepting gifted from Prometheus . Pandora brought with her a jar , she was  forbidden to open it but she  did! And out leapt the curses of envy sickness, spit and Despair she quickly closed the jar so that hope stayed inside.(Hope)


Zeus punish Prometheus by Dragging to him to Mount Curses  and chaining him  to a rock. Prometheus Punishment was that giant eagle injured him every morning and ripped his liver out. This was  his torture for thousand of years. Prometheus wandered if the humans were ever thinking of him end thankful for his gifts. Prometheus suffered for 30,000 years until the hero Hercules climbed Mount Caucasus Killed the eagle.


When people wear a ring they think of Prometheus now. and cut  Prometheus chain  with his sword, after Prometheus was rescued he had to wear a ring made of his chain.